Colonia (Gunbertus Colonia)

My Colonia, my very first Ragdoll girl.. When her breeder Ulla showed me her pictures and asked me whether I would be interested in her. I did not have to think twice: yes, I was more than interested, I immediately fell in love with Colonia. What a beautiful girl! These beautiful eyes, the sweet look she has in it.. and her beautiful head. My first Ragdoll girl... she's so special to me.
She is the boss in the house. She only has to look at the others and they know that they did something that she did not like. She is very talkative, follows us around and talks a lot while doing that. She loves to be around us and to sleep next to us. She is also perfect in raising kittens. You will never see her being rough to them, she raises them in a very gentle, but strict way. She also helped Pandora raise her kittens. She's a very special girl to us.
Colonia's dad is: Gunbertus Nostalgic Picture (of Moonlight Dolls Barney x Gunbertus Lykke-Li)

Colonia's mom is: Avocado's Little Sophie (Koc-Pol Cat Hades x Naorahdolls Babydoll)

Click here for Colonia's pedigree.
FIV/FeLV: negative
HCM/PKD DNA: negative
HCM/PKD/CIN echo: negative (2021)