Amoralyn Falling for You

Pedigree name:: Amoralyn Falling For You
Petname: Milou
Date of birth: 26-2-2022
Colour: Seal point mitted (draagt verdunning)
Milou is a girl out of Amora's first litter. Already from the first week onwards she was so special for us. She had such a beautiful head and in the weeks to follow she developed into a beautiful kitten. We then knew: she has to stay. We can't wait to see her development in the upcoming months.
We called her "Falling For You", because that's exactly what happened: we fell for her.
Milou lives with my parents and if everything goes well, we hope to get kittens that are as beautiful and sweet as her.
Milou is DNA negative for HCM / PKD through her parents, she is also FiV / FeLV negative.
Milou her parents are: Raggato Gandalf (DsJewels Darth Vader x Raggato Tissaia):
Methodius Love and Joy for Amoralyn - Amora (Methodius Hey Rey x Methodius Ximera):
Click here for her pedigree.